2023.08.14 Pet Safety

Pet Safety: Choosing the Right Gate

If you're in the market for a pet safety gate or fence, this article will delve into the various types of gates/fences available and provide detailed insights into their usage and scenarios. Our aim is to assist pet owners in selecting the most suitable gate to meet their needs.


一、Pressure-mounted gates/fences

Pressure-mounted gates/fences are secured to doorframes or parallel walls by applying pressure to the sides. They can be easily removed or folded when not in use, making them ideal for homeowners who prefer not to damage their home decor with screws or drilling.

Here are some considerations for using pressure-mounted gates/fences:

  1. Installation Width: These gates/fences have maximum installation ranges and width limitations. Before installation, measure the width between the doorframe/walls to ensure the product's dimensions are suitable and can fully cover the required space.
  2. Installation Material: Due to the pressure mounting method, it's essential to consider the material of the doorframe or walls. Materials that are too thin, slippery, or prone to deformation may not be suitable for installation and could compromise the gate/fence's effectiveness over time.
  3. Regular Inspection: While pressure-mounted gates/fences offer flexibility and convenience, they typically consist of multiple fastening components. Therefore, it's important to regularly check if the pressure mechanisms are secure and if the gate/fence remains stable over time.

二、Wall-mounted gates/fences

Wall-mounted gates are a type of pet barrier installed directly onto a wall, often used in areas lacking doorframes or in more complex spaces like hallways, staircases, or large open areas. These gates typically require mounting hardware to securely attach them to the wall and often feature a foldable design for convenient storage or removal when not in use.

When using wall-mounted gates, it's important to:

  1. Measure the space: Ensure that the gate's dimensions completely cover the desired safety area and won't obstruct the functionality or flow of the household space, such as interfering with door or window openings.
  2. Proper installation: Follow the provided instructions to install the gate correctly. Proper installation ensures that the gate is securely fixed to the wall, preventing it from collapsing if pets bump into it and potentially causing injury.
  3. Regular inspection: While wall-mounted gates are typically durable due to their screw-mounted installation, it's still important to periodically inspect the gate for any signs of wear or damage, especially after prolonged use.

These are the key differences and considerations for the two most common types of gates/fences available on the market.

Pet safety gates/fences are essential tools for protecting pets and providing a comfortable living environment at home. Yeagle offers a variety of gates, fences, and enclosures for pet owners to choose from based on their specific needs and usage scenarios.

Regardless of the type of gate or fence you choose, it's crucial to ensure the product's quality and stability. Additionally, regular inspection and maintenance of the gate/fence are essential to ensure long-term safety protection.